Yandex Browser background

You can use the following media as a background:

  1. Open a new tab.

  2. In the lower-right corner of the page, click  → Background gallery.

  3. Select a photo or video from an album.

  4. Click Use this background.


You can configure the browser to randomly alternate images or videos from your Background gallery every 24 hours.

  • For one album. Select the album in the Background gallery and click Alternate these backgrounds.

  • For all albums. In the Background gallery, click Alternate next to All backgrounds.


To make links and buttons on a new tab easy to read, a blackout filter is applied to all backgrounds downloaded from the computer. You can't cancel this filter. If you want a brighter background, enhance the brightness of the original image.

  1. Open a new tab.

  2. In the lower-right corner of the page, click  → Upload background.

  3. Select an image:

  4. Click Open.


You can upload PNG and JPG files as background images.

Start or stop animation

Animated backgrounds look great, but they can drain your battery. To avoid this, pause the animation:

  1. Open a new tab.

  2. In the bottom-right corner, click .

  3. On the background preview, click .

Animation when the battery is low

When your battery is low, animation turns off automatically. If you want to continue playing animation regardless of how low your battery is:

  1. Нажмите  → Настройки.

  2. Open Tools.

  3. Under Power saving mode, deselect Disable background videos when battery is low.

Playback in high resolution

Animations playback in high resolution by default. If it causes Yandex Browser to work slower, set the standard animation quality:

  1. Нажмите  → Настройки → Интерфейс.

  2. In the New tab page view section, disable the High-resolution animated backgrounds option.


Background animation doesn't work
Animation is paused
  1. Open a new tab.

  2. In the bottom-right corner, click .

  3. On the background preview, click .

The video-card driver is outdated

Update the driver for each video-card that is installed on your computer:

  1. Нажмите Пуск → Панель управления → Диспетчер устройств.
  2. Откройте Видеоадаптеры — появится список видеокарт.
  3. Правой кнопкой мыши нажмите название вашей видеокарты.
  4. В контекстном меню выберите пункт Обновить драйверы.
Hardware acceleration is problematic

Try turning the hardware accelerator on or off:

An extension is blocking animation

Check Yandex Browser extensions

  1. Нажмите  → Расширения и отключите все расширения.

  2. Перезапустите Браузер: закройте его сочетанием клавиш Ctrl + Shift + Q (в Windows и Linux) или  + Q (в macOS), затем снова откройте.

  3. Очистите кеш, чтобы в Браузер не подгружалась ранее сохраненная копия страницы.

  4. Если проблема исчезла, методом перебора найдите расширение, которое ее вызывает. Каждый раз перезапускайте Браузер.

  5. Отключите это расширение. Вы можете также написать его разработчикам о проблеме.

If the problem persists, contact support via the form. Describe the situation in detail, and attach a screenshot if possible.

The background doesn't change on the Tableau page

Delete the File System folder and check whether the problem persists. The folder is located in the Yandex Browser profile folder:

  1. Open the file search box in Windows 7, 8, or 10.

  2. Copy the string below and paste it into the file search box:

    %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default\
  3. Press Enter.


Support for Microsoft Windows XP and Vista operating systems endedended on April 2017.

I can't delete the background

You can't completely disable or remove a Yandex Browser background. Try setting a single-color background instead of an image. Open the Colors album in the Yandex Browser background gallery, select the color you like, and click Use this background.


You can't select a white background. This is because Yandex Browser elements (like links, widgets, and button names) should be visible on any background.

The background changed by itself
  1. Open a new tab.

  2. In the bottom-right corner, click .

  3. Disable the Change the background daily option.

<,span,class="button",>Contact support
