Viewing and editing MS Office, OpenOffice files

You can view and edit files directly in Yandex Browser. By default, files in supported formats open in Yandex Browser immediately after you download them.

Supported file types

  • MS Word documents and templates with the following extensions: doc, dot, docx, dotx.

  • MS Excel spreadsheets and templates with the following extensions: xls, xlt, xla, xlsx, xltx, xlsm, xltm, xlsb.

  • MS PowerPoint presentations and templates with the following extensions: ppt, pot, pps, ppa, pptx, potx, ppsx.

  • OpenDocument documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with the following extensions: odt, ods, odp.

Work with documents, spreadsheets, and presentations directly in Yandex Browser using the Yandex Documents online editor.

Open files in Yandex Browser


The first time you download an Office format file, the View and edit documents page opens. On this page, you can select one of the following options for such files:

  • Always open in Browser.

  • Do not open documents in Browser.

To stop files from opening automatically
  1. Click  → Settings → Tools.

  2. In the File viewer section, disable Open files in Office format in the browser.

Also check your settings for this file format:

  1. On the right side of the SmartBox, click or open the downloads list.

  2. Right-click the name of the file.

  3. Disable the Auto-open files option.


Use one of these options:

  • Open the folder with the file and drag the file to your Yandex Browser window.

  • In Yandex Browser, press Ctrl + O and select the file you need.

Edit files

You can use Yandex Documents to edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations that you open in Yandex Browser. To do this, click Edit copy at the top of the document. A copy of the document will be saved to Yandex Disk in the Downloads folder. You can also edit documents online with your friends or colleagues. To learn more, go to Help for Yandex Documents.

— Edit the file in Yandex Browser

— Save the file to your computer

— Print the file

— View mode

Keyboard shortcuts for changing scale

  • To zoom in: Ctrl + Plus.

  • To zoom out: Ctrl + Minus.

  • To set page zoom to 100%: Ctrl + 0.

Use keyboard shortcuts for other actions, too.

  • Zoom in:  + Plus.

  • Zoom out:  + Minus.

  • Set the page zoom to 100%:  + 0.

Use keyboard shortcuts for other actions, too.

If documents download instead of opening

  1. Click  → Settings → Tools.

  2. In the File viewer section, disable Open files in Office format in the browser.

Also check your settings for this file format:

  1. On the right side of the SmartBox, click or open the downloads list.

  2. Right-click the name of the file.

  3. Check whether the Auto-open files option is enabled.

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