Protect: block ads manually

You can disable an inappropriate ad manually and report it.

  1. Report an ad
  2. Hide annoying ads
  3. Hide ads on a new tab

Report an ad

You can also complain about ads that are distracting or annoying:
  1. Right-click on the ad block that is annoying you.
  2. Select Complain about ad in the context menu.

Every time you hide an ad, Yandex receives the following:

  • The page with the advertising that bothered you.
  • Which ad blocks you indicated on this page.

The more such data Yandex Browser receives, the quicker it learns to distinguish bad ads from good ones to show users ads that aren't bothersome.

Hide annoying ads

Note. You can hide only bothersome ads. If the ad isn't hidden, the banner information will still be sent to Yandex Browser support. If there are multiple requests, the ad will be blocked.
  1. Go to the site that has intrusive advertising.
  2. Click   → Block bothersome ads. At the top of the page, you'll see a message about hiding ads, with the page thumbnail shown under it.
  3. You can specify exactly which ad is bothering you –– click it and the ad block turns black.
  4. Click Hide selected ads.

Hide ads on a new tab

Note. To disable the display of ads, log in to Yandex.

When you open a new tab, an ad banner is displayed under the Tableau. We try to display ads that might be interesting to you. If you want to disable ads:

  1. Click   → Settings → Interface.
  2. Under Home screen, click Ad settings.
  3. Under Home page and new Yandex Browser tab, deselect the Show ads option.